
To expedite and facilitate the approval and review of geofences there are two approaches

  1. Global

  2. Regional


Both BIC and SMDG are reviewing globally the facilities under their respective code lists, there is a process in place working through the top 50 container port areas as defined by the World Shipping Council (WSC), the list of locations being visited each week can be found here


To scale out the geofence review process BIC have enabled in some locations a regional convenor, they are responsible locally for maintaining the list of facilities and for the approval of geofences in that region.

Typically these are regional associations who's members are engaged with ocean terminals and container depot's that can assist and enable review of facilities and their geofences through their contacts and local knowledge and expertise.

The following regional convenors are currently setup to approve geofences for their region:

If you operate a regional association and would like to participate in the initiative please contact BIC to learn more, you will be provided the tools and training to support your regional review panel.

See the getting started guide for practical advice on how to particiapte.

Last updated